The ultimate fun beekeeping experience and designed for the absolute beginners with an interest in bees! Bring a friend, family or loved one for and create a special shared memory. We deliver this experience on our working honey farm and this is a true 'hands on' experience to share with you the process of being a beekeeper and how we produce some of our unique multi-floral honey products.
This is a immersive experience so you will be suited up in a head to toe in one of our white protective triple layer ventilated beekeeping outfit. Then we'll venture out to our nearby Apiary. Once we arrive at the Apiary we'll give you some advice on staying calm and what to expect with your close encounter. With the safety and guidance of a Master Beekeeper you'll be able to approach the hives, extract a frame of honeycomb and witness the breathtaking natural phenomenon that is honeybees hard at work.

Our Apiary is located in the heart of suburban Brisbane and is rich in biodiversity and our bees forage happily on the area’s flowering native flora such as the abundant and medicinal manuka (leptospermum scoparium), bright orange poicinana (delonix regia) and bloodwood gum (corymbia gummifera). The flavour of resulting honey is ever-changing with the strong seasonal variation, unlike monofloral varieties often found elsewhere. This results in a honey with a completely distinctive and unrepeatable flavour profile.
We will share with you the workings of an operational productive hive, see the smoking process, open their beehive home and check out the busy bees doing their thing. You'll have the opportunity to observe a flow hive, top bar hive and a langstroth hive. We will show you the different stages of bee development and look out for the Queen Bee!
Once your experience is over we'll send you off happy with all your questions answered. And a goody bag full of Two Busy Bees Honey treats!
This experience is private session for a couple. We like to keep the group small so that you enjoy maximum involvement.
If this wonderful experience gets you hooked on the magic that is keeping bees, we also run a Bee School where you can continue your beekeeping education.
Cost: $295 per experience (maximum two people per experience)
Time: Please allow 90 minutes to 2 hours for your special experience.
Location: Geebung, Brisbane, QLD.
What do I need to bring?: All you need to bring is your sense of fun and adventure! Plus a large bottle of water (to keep hydrated) and your phone for taking lots of pictures!
For more information or to make a booking:
Contact: Deborah Batchelor
Phone: 0405 685 750